ZOUM Painter – Bow Line
ZOUM Painter – Bow Line
The lightest line we sell! This is custom run Dyneema SK-75 & Spun Polypropylene Blend. The
Dyneema SK75 and polypropylene has excellent strength and elongation characteristics. Because the polpropylene is spun, the line has a „fuzzy” texture and is easy to hold onto. Does not absorb water so it stays light. It floats of course. FYI – 1/4″ but runs a bit „fat”. Everybody that sells or uses a cheap substitute says its overkill for an opti bowline… Yes, you can buy a cheaper line and replace it more often…
Or, you can buy the best to begin with and enjoy it for longer.
If you buy this bowline, you’ll understand at least one reason the Zoum Racer is the best boat in the field.
- ZOUM Painter – Bow Line